No. 69d Rain Gauge, Hellmann Type,

The Rain-Gauge consists of a double layer cylindrical upper part, serving as receiver, whose aperture forms the receiving area as well as a lower part with the collecting can. The rain which falls through the aperture is led into the inner collecting can via a funnel.
A special construction of the funnel mounting optimised by the company Dr. Müller Meteorologische Instrumente KG avoid the stop of waterdrops on the inner sides of the upper part. To avoid an extreme evaporation of the collected rain water in the collecting can, the latter is set up free all round, so that a direct heat conduction from the radiated casing to the collecting can is pre¬vented by the surrounding air. Receiving area: 200 cm² Material: stainless steel Dimensions: 190 mm diameter x 445 mm height
consisting of: 1 upper part with receiving ring 1 lower part 1 collecting can (capacity 1.4 litres) 1 holder 1 measuring cylinder (for 10 mm rainfall, divisioned in 0.1 mm of rainfall, according DIN 58667B, made from Polystyrol)
No. 69 Rain and Snow Gauge, Hellmann Type,
The Rain- and Snow Gauge 69 differs from the prescribed type only in that way, that all parts as upper part, lower part, collecting can and snow cross, necessary for transformation of snow in the form of liquid water, are presented twice. The time required for the melting process is not lost therefore for continuous receiving of precipitation. In the case of snowfall the snow cross has to be put into the upper part to prevent whirling out of the snow by influ¬ence of the wind.
as above, but consisting of: 2 upper parts with receiving ring 2 lower parts 2 collecting cans 2 snow crosses 1 protective cover 1 holder 1 measuring cylinder
Whilst simple rain gauges and rain recorders, solely, indicate the total quantity of precipitation during the period of observation, the structure of rainfall is to be seen additio¬nally from the diagram of a rain recorder; i. e., the timely division, intensity, etc.
Three types of mechanical rain recorders are available for the different fields of application. When making one's choice, one is always to consider the goal of measurement. (period of recording, intensity of rainfalls, resolution of recording, quantity of rain). The Mechanical Rain Recorders 95, 95y, and 95c, differ from one another in the essential by height and kind of recording. The measuring system is constructed in a similar way, in the case of all these types. The round casing carries above a sharp-edged aperture ring , which, normally, limits the receiving area to 200 cm². The fallen-in rain flows into the cylindrical float vessel, lifting the float. The motion of this latter is transmitted to the pen by means of a float rod carrying the pen arm.
There results, thus, a trace on the diagram paper moving evenly under the pen, the more or less steep ascent of which corresponds to the momentary intensity of rainfall. At a certain fallen-in quantity of rain, the pen has reached the maximum value of the range. Via a correspondingly adjusted siphon, the float vessel is, now, being emptied within the shortest possible time, the pen arm returns to its zero-position, and the process may start, anew.
The diagram may be evaluated at will; i. e., corresponding to the respective factors, which are of interest. An additional control of the recording is possible, also, as the water, which has flown out through siphon, is in collecting vessel and, therefore, the total quantity of precipitation may be determined by means of a measuring cylinder.
No. 95 Rain Recorder, Hellmann Type,
 consisting of galvanied grey hammertone finished stainless steel casing with receiving ring, built-in float measuring system with siphoning device, recording system with drum recording.
Receiving area: 200 cm² Measuring range: 0...10 mm of rainfall
Drum rotation at your choice: daily or weekly
Recording drum: Ø133 mm Height: 93 mm Recording height: 78 mm Running time: app. 9 days
 Dimensions of casing: body: 240 mm diameter, total diameter: 370 mm height: 1000 mm Weight: 11.0 kg
Accessories: 1 set of recording charts (100 charts for daily or weekly rotation) 1 fiber pen 1 collecting vessel (capacity 3.3 litres) 1 spare glass siphon 1 measuring cylinder (for 10 mm rainfall, divisioned in 0.1 mm of rainfall, according DIN 58667B, made from Polystyrol)
No. 95y Large Rain Recorder, (for heavy rain)
design similar to No. 95,
Receiving area: 200 cm² Measuring range: 0...40 mm of rainfall
Drum rotation at your choice: daily or weekly
Recording drum: Ø264 mm Height: 179 mm Recording height: 156 mm Running time: app. 9 days
Dimension of casing: Ø380 mm x 1000 mm height Weight: 28 kg Accessories: 1 set of charts (for daily or weekly rotation) 1 fiber-pen 1 measuring cylinder 1 larger collecting vessel 1 glass siphon
No. 95c Rain recorder with continuous chart recording, (monthly recording for long term monitoring)
design similar to No. 95, with continuous chart recording for prolonged recording periods, driving by means of a spring work, to wind-up by hand.
Receiving area: 200 cm² Measuring range: 0...10 mm of rainfall
Drum rotation: a) 1 month (20 mm/hr: standard) or b) 72 days only on special request) or c) 144 days (only on special request)
Recording drum: Recording height: 78 mm Running time: 1 month
Length of chart: 18 m
Dimension of casing: Ø380 mm x 1000 mm height Weight: 30 kg
Accessories: 10 rolls of diagram paper No. 95/20N (resp. 95/10N or 95/5N) 1 fiber pen 1 measuring cylinder 1 larger collecting vessel 1 glass siphon