Dr. Alfred Müller Meteorologische Instrumente KG Chausseestraße 39/42c 15712 Königs Wusterhausen (ST Senzig) Deutschland
Internet: www.rfuess-mueller.de www.meteorological-equipment.com
Tel.: +49 (0)3375 / 9025-32 Whatsapp: 0049 (0)171 5221548 Fax.: +49 (0)3375 / 9025-36 E-Mail: info@meteomueller.de dr.a.mueller-r.fuess@t-online.de meteomueller@yahoo.com service.meteomueller@gmail.com
Handelsregister: HRA 2317 Amtsgericht Cottbus VAT-No.: DE 167 982 057
The company Dr. Alfred Müller Meteorologische Instrumente KG was established in 1975 in Berlin as successor of the world-valued company R.FUESS in Berlin-Steglitz, founded in 1885. The company is continuing the complete program of meteorological instruments in highest quality standards of all products for measuring of the climatological and synoptical parameters of Pressure Temperature, Humidity Precipitation Radiation Evaporation. Besides the range of mechanical instruments a new technology product’s group of electronic equipment for automatical measurements of meteorology parameter was integrated in the production line. Besides customized solutions for automated airport weather stations and automated weather observing systems (AWOS) the company is a well known manufacturer for highest quality digital barometers and barometric sensors, aluminium segment masts and weather shelters. The leading role of brand-name R.FUESS in the meteorological services world-wide for many decades was substantiated in consequence of the wide variety of high quality instruments with long service durability. The unique quality and precision of the well-known instruments as the actinographs 58dc, the mercury barometers 2k, 20k, 11a9, 11b9 and 11i, the aneroid barometers 15pm and 15ps, barographs 78a and 78b, Microbarograph 78m, Evaporigraph 73p, the conspicuous Anemographs 82a and 90Z and the high capacity rainrecorder 95c and 95y for tropical areas are the basis for world-wide distribution and use of the instruments of with the brand name Dr. Müller - R.FUESS. The practical philosophy of the company’s leader since many years is the consideration and maintenance of the users interests. This is realized by giving all requested support as training and education, help for installation and operation, maintenance and repair at factory or at the customer’s facilities. Moreover, the Dr. Müller / R.Fuess company is giving the guarantee for the availability of spare parts and consumables for a minimum of ten years, in the practice for nearly all products without any limitation. The production and developing facilities of the company are located in Königs Wusterhausen, a city near Berlin, the capital of Germany. The high graduated ingeneers and good educated technicians as permanent workers are the basis for a successful establishment and substancial production for processing of large projects.